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Thinking About Selling?

Listen, we get it. You have worked hard to create a business to be proud of and you're ready to retire. Or maybe you're simply ready to downsize or move onto different opportunities.


Kennel Connect is here to help. Given our large database of buyers and trusted real estate professionals, we can connect buyers and sellers quickly and easily. We have access to thousands of dedicated viewers looking for their next property... We could already have the perfect buyer waiting for you!


So, no matter where you're at in the decision-making process (on the fence or ready to list yesterday), or even if you just have questions, we are happy to help with every step of the way.

What We Offer

High-Quality Professionals

Our sellers can be connected with one of our trusted real estate professionals if they are not already working with one. We have high standards for the level of care, experience, and expertise of our affiliated agents and limit our recommendations to those with a previous kennel, commercial, or mixed-use property when possible. We feel this is of utmost importance as kennel listings are much more complex than most properties.

Professional Advice

Our clients can come to us any time they need advice on preparing or marketing their property. We work alongside their listing agent to maximize the property’s marketability to reach not only the maximum number of qualified buyers, but the right buyer for the property.

Eye-Catching Advertising

We offer attractive advertising and promote our sellers' properties both privately to our buyer database and publicly through our popular Facebook page and website. Our featured properties receive a highly-competitive audience reach, private inquiries from qualified buyers, and maximum exposure to an expansive, dog-savvy network.

A First Point of Contact

We take the hassle out of screening buyers and do the talking for you. We start by answering initial questions potential buyers may have about the property, directly connect them with an agent who can represent them, and offer our continued support throughout the process as an unbiased source.

Completely Free Service

Our services are 100% free to buyers and sellers. We work off pre-arranged referral fees with our trusted real estate professionals, making it a win-win scenario for all (we don't win unless you do!). If you are interested in having us help achieve your selling goals, please contact us today.

The Process

The simple process to getting your property sold.

Connect you with a qualified, local agent

We'll connect you with someone personable, trustworthy, and qualified for the job. We then recommend interviewing each prospective representative and choose the best fit for you.

Prepare your property to sell

One of the most important steps is preparation of the property. This can include making any necessary repairs, sprucing up the place, making sure financials are in order (if running a business), and taking quality, professional photos.

List and promote your property

The success of your listing has everything to do with correct market timing and a top notch promotional plan. This is our time to blast your property to our thousands of viewers!

Negotiate the deal and navigate to closing

Congratulations! Now is the time to lean on your trusted real estate representative and let them guide you through to the finish line.

Giving a Hand

Let's Get Started!

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